2,400 research outputs found

    Classical world arising out of quantum physics under the restriction of coarse-grained measurements

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    Conceptually different from the decoherence program, we present a novel theoretical approach to macroscopic realism and classical physics within quantum theory. It focuses on the limits of observability of quantum effects of macroscopic objects, i.e., on the required precision of our measurement apparatuses such that quantum phenomena can still be observed. First, we demonstrate that for unrestricted measurement accuracy no classical description is possible for arbitrarily large systems. Then we show for a certain time evolution that under coarse-grained measurements not only macrorealism but even the classical Newtonian laws emerge out of the Schroedinger equation and the projection postulate.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, second revised and published versio

    Where is VALDO? VAscular Lesions Detection and segmentatiOn challenge at MICCAI 2021

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    Imaging markers of cerebral small vessel disease provide valuable information on brain health, but their manual assessment is time-consuming and hampered by substantial intra- and interrater variability. Automated rating may benefit biomedical research, as well as clinical assessment, but diagnostic reliability of existing algorithms is unknown. Here, we present the results of the \textit{VAscular Lesions DetectiOn and Segmentation} (\textit{Where is VALDO?}) challenge that was run as a satellite event at the international conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Aided Intervention (MICCAI) 2021. This challenge aimed to promote the development of methods for automated detection and segmentation of small and sparse imaging markers of cerebral small vessel disease, namely enlarged perivascular spaces (EPVS) (Task 1), cerebral microbleeds (Task 2) and lacunes of presumed vascular origin (Task 3) while leveraging weak and noisy labels. Overall, 12 teams participated in the challenge proposing solutions for one or more tasks (4 for Task 1 - EPVS, 9 for Task 2 - Microbleeds and 6 for Task 3 - Lacunes). Multi-cohort data was used in both training and evaluation. Results showed a large variability in performance both across teams and across tasks, with promising results notably for Task 1 - EPVS and Task 2 - Microbleeds and not practically useful results yet for Task 3 - Lacunes. It also highlighted the performance inconsistency across cases that may deter use at an individual level, while still proving useful at a population level

    Logical independence and quantum randomness

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    We propose a link between logical independence and quantum physics. We demonstrate that quantum systems in the eigenstates of Pauli group operators are capable of encoding mathematical axioms and show that Pauli group quantum measurements are capable of revealing whether or not a given proposition is logically dependent on the axiomatic system. Whenever a mathematical proposition is logically independent of the axioms encoded in the measured state, the measurement associated with the proposition gives random outcomes. This allows for an experimental test of logical independence. Conversely, it also allows for an explanation of the probabilities of random outcomes observed in Pauli group measurements from logical independence without invoking quantum theory. The axiomatic systems we study can be completed and are therefore not subject to Goedel's incompleteness theorem.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, published version plus additional experimental appendi

    Quantum models of classical mechanics: maximum entropy packets

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    In a previous paper, a project of constructing quantum models of classical properties has been started. The present paper concludes the project by turning to classical mechanics. The quantum states that maximize entropy for given averages and variances of coordinates and momenta are called ME packets. They generalize the Gaussian wave packets. A non-trivial extension of the partition-function method of probability calculus to quantum mechanics is given. Non-commutativity of quantum variables limits its usefulness. Still, the general form of the state operators of ME packets is obtained with its help. The diagonal representation of the operators is found. A general way of calculating averages that can replace the partition function method is described. Classical mechanics is reinterpreted as a statistical theory. Classical trajectories are replaced by classical ME packets. Quantum states approximate classical ones if the product of the coordinate and momentum variances is much larger than Planck constant. Thus, ME packets with large variances follow their classical counterparts better than Gaussian wave packets.Comment: 26 pages, no figure. Introduction and the section on classical limit are extended, new references added. Definitive version accepted by Found. Phy

    Severe depletion of mitochondrial DNA in spinal muscular atrophy

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a neuromus- cular disorder in childhood leading to a dramatic loss of muscle strength. Functional investigations with high-reso- lution polarography and enzyme measurements of the res- piratory chain revealed lowered activities in muscle tissue of SMA patients. To gain a better understanding of this low energy supply we analyzed the amount of mitochon- drial DNA (mtDNA) in skeletal muscle of 20 unrelated children with genetically proven SMA and 31 controls. Quantitative Southern blot analysis revealed a severe and homogeneous decrease in the content of muscle mtDNA in relation to nuclear DNA in SMA patients (90.3±7.8%), whereas by immunofluorescence no decrease in the num- ber of mitochondria was detected. In addition, a two- to threefold reduction of the nuclear-encoded complex II (succinate dehydrogenase) activity was detected in SMA muscle tissue. Western blot analysis showed a significant reduction of both mitochondrial- and nuclear-encoded cy- tochrome c oxidase subunits. Our results indicate that mtDNA depletion in SMA is a consequence of severe at- rophy, and has to be differentiated by measurement of complex II from an isolated reduction of mtDNA as found in patients with mitochondriocytopathies and the so- called mtDNA depletion syndrome

    Seventy-five mosses and liverworts found frozen with the late Neolithic Tyrolean Iceman: Origins, taphonomy and the Iceman’s last journey

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    The Iceman site is unique in the bryology of the Quaternary. Only 21 bryophytes (mosses and liverworts) grow now in the immediate vicinity of the 5,300 year old Iceman discovery site at 3,210m above sea level in the Ötztal Alps, Italy. By contrast 75 or more species including at least ten liverworts were recovered as subfossils frozen in, on and around the Iceman from before, at and after his time. About two thirds of the species grow in the nival zone (above 3,000m above sea level) now while about one third do not. A large part of this third can be explained by the Iceman having both deliberately and inadvertently carried bryophytes during his last, fatal journey. Multivariate analyses (PCA, RDA) provide a variety of explanations for the arrivals of the bryophytes in the rocky hollow where the mummy was discovered. This is well into the nival zone of perennial snow and ice with a very sparse, non-woody flora and very low vegetation cover. Apart from the crucial anthropochory (extra-local plants), both hydrochory (local species) and zoochory (by wild game such as ibex of both local and extra-local species) have been important. Anemochory of mainly local species was of lesser importance and of extra-local species probably of little or no importance. The mosses Neckera complanata and several other ecologically similar species as well as a species of Sphagnum (bogmoss) strongly support the claim that the Iceman, took northwards up Schnalstal, South Tyrol, as the route of the last journey. A different species of bogmoss, taken from his colon is another indication the Iceman’s presence at low altitude south of Schnalstal during his last hours when he was first high up, low down and finally at over 3,000m

    Defect Diagnosis of Digital Circuits Using Surrogate Faults

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    Primitive Simultaneous Optimization of Similarity Metrics for Image Registration

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    Even though simultaneous optimization of similarity metrics represents a standard procedure in the field of semantic segmentation, surprisingly, this does not hold true for image registration. To close this unexpected gap in the literature, we investigate in a complex multi-modal 3D setting whether simultaneous optimization of registration metrics, here implemented by means of primitive summation, can benefit image registration. We evaluate two challenging datasets containing collections of pre- to post-operative and pre- to intra-operative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of glioma. Employing the proposed optimization we demonstrate improved registration accuracy in terms of Target Registration Error (TRE) on expert neuroradiologists' landmark annotations

    Barriers and Facilitators to Nurse Management of Hypertension: A Qualitative Analysis from Western Kenya

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    BACKGROUND: Hypertension is the leading global risk for mortality. Poor treatment and control of hypertension in low- and middle-income countries is due to several reasons, including insufficient human resources. Nurse management of hypertension is a novel approach to address the human resource challenge. However, specific barriers and facilitators to this strategy are not known. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate barriers and facilitators to nurse management of hypertensive patients in rural western Kenya, using a qualitative research approach. METHODS: Six key informant interviews (five men, one woman) and seven focus group discussions (24 men, 33 women) were conducted among physicians, clinical officers, nurses, support staff, patients, and community leaders. Content analysis was performed using Atlas.ti 7.0, using deductive and inductive codes that were then grouped into themes representing barriers and facilitators. Ranking of barriers and facilitators was performed using triangulation of density of participant responses from the focus group discussions and key informant interviews, as well as investigator assessments using a two-round Delphi exercise. RESULTS: We identified a total of 23 barriers and nine facilitators to nurse management of hypertension, spanning the following categories of factors: health systems, environmental, nurse-specific, patient-specific, emotional, and community. The Delphi results were generally consistent with the findings from the content analysis. CONCLUSION: Nurse management of hypertension is a potentially feasible strategy to address the human resource challenge of hypertension control in low-resource settings. However, successful implementation will be contingent upon addressing barriers such as access to medications, quality of care, training of nurses, health education, and stigma

    Bell Correlations and the Common Future

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    Reichenbach's principle states that in a causal structure, correlations of classical information can stem from a common cause in the common past or a direct influence from one of the events in correlation to the other. The difficulty of explaining Bell correlations through a mechanism in that spirit can be read as questioning either the principle or even its basis: causality. In the former case, the principle can be replaced by its quantum version, accepting as a common cause an entangled state, leaving the phenomenon as mysterious as ever on the classical level (on which, after all, it occurs). If, more radically, the causal structure is questioned in principle, closed space-time curves may become possible that, as is argued in the present note, can give rise to non-local correlations if to-be-correlated pieces of classical information meet in the common future --- which they need to if the correlation is to be detected in the first place. The result is a view resembling Brassard and Raymond-Robichaud's parallel-lives variant of Hermann's and Everett's relative-state formalism, avoiding "multiple realities."Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure